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Green Franchising

Green Franchising

Titel: Green Franchising
Autoren: Veronika Bellone , Thomas Matla
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»AFRAS – Sustainable Franchise Association«
    »The Sustainable Franchise Association (AFRAS) is the Brazilian Franchise Association´s (ABF) social and environmental branch. Worldwide, it is an unprecedented initiative of ABF to have a social area to stimulate the implementation of sustainable management in franchise companies. AFRAS is a non-profitable organization, with seven years of experience in fostering the culture of social responsibility and sustainability in business strategies and models of franchise companies associated to ABF.
    There are two outstanding projects conducted by AFRAS: One, in partnership with Ethos Institute was the corporate social responsibility indicators customized for the franchise sector. The other, named Low Carbon Franchising, aims to reduce and offset greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in the operation of franchise businesses.
    At last, in 2010, AFRAS launched a book »A new generation in franchising«, written by its president Claudio Tieghi. A historical trajectory of social responsibility and sustainability in the franchise sector, culminating in a new business model defined by Tieghi as »the franchise sixth generation«, i.e., franchise concepts whose strategic business planning and management take into account sustainability principles.
    The Brazilian franchising sector, which comprises 2.033 franchise brands in operation (out of which 95% are local brands), ended with a record growth in revenue of 16.9 % in 2011, a significantly higher rate than GDP, and the highest rate over the past ten years, reaching a revenue of U$ 45 billion, 2.3% of the country´s GDP. The sector is responsible for generating around 837 thousand jobs and over 3.5 million indirect jobs.
    The number of franchise brands operating in the country grew by 12.9% and the number of units (franchisees and franchisors units) reached 93.098, which means an increase of 8% over the previous year. This expansion resulted in the offer of more than 66.000 new jobs.
    Even in the face of a worldwide economic crisis, the Brazilian franchise system remains in strong pace of expansion. In 2012 the sector is expected to end with a growth of 15% compared to last year. At the end of 2011, 90 brands had international operations and are present in 58 countries of all continents.
AFRAS for a Sustainable Franchise
    The Sustainable Franchise Association was founded in 2005 with the mission to contribute to the implementation of socially responsible management in companies associated with ABF, in line with the sustainable development of society. The organization is compliant with a schedule of courses, events and development projects and prizes »Sustainable Stand«, »Best Franchises to Work«, in addition to the award »ABF AFRAS Highlight Sustainability«, which values the actions taken for franchisors, franchisees, suppliers, journalists and executives who practices corporate social responsibility in an exemplary manner.
Franchise Sixth Generation
    Establish commitments to sustainable development through partnerships with associations or business pacts national and international development and environmental projects in partnership with the franchised network and recognized institutions of the third sector, space creation for the franchisees to develop their own projects and that such practices whenever possible, can be incorporated by the franchisor and other franchisees.
Uma Referência de Sucesso para o Mundo
    O franchising brasileiro se desenvolve sobre bases muito sólidas e desponta como uma referência de sucesso para o mundo. E na sociedade global contemporânea, que exige constantemente dos empreendedores maior responsabilidade em seus negócios, o tema que abraçamos tende a ser cada vez mais importante e estratégico. Desejamos que o conteúdo valioso dessa publicação possa inspirar as empresas franqueadoras de toda a Europa a trilharem o caminho inexorável da sustentabilidade.«
    Claudio Tieghi, President & Eleine Bélaváry, Executive Director AFRAS Associação Franquia Sustentável, Sao Paulo, Brasil, www.afras.com.br

»AFRAS – Nachhaltiger Franchise-Verband«
    »Der Nachhaltige Franchise-Verband (AFRAS) ist der an Sozialem und der Umwelt orientierte Zweig des Brasilianischen Franchise-Verbandes (ABF). Er stellt eine weltweit einzigartige Initiative des ABF dar und ist eine Stelle zur Förderung der Implementierung von nachhaltigem Management in Franchise-Unternehmen.
    AFRAS ist eine
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