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Freedom TM

Freedom TM

Titel: Freedom TM
Autoren: Daniel Suarez
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He opened fire with the Masada. The bullets whined off the in front cowlings harmlessly, and the machines all unfolded their swords as they advanced across the grass on electrical power.
    Soon The Major’s gun was empty. And there right next to him was Boerner, smoking calmly.
    Boerner began to remove his heavy leather coat. “Your guns are qvite useless, Major. Zis is an unstoppable event. Struggle vill only prolong ze inefitable.”
    Now the razorbacks were all around The Major—trapping him in a circle of swords.
    The razorback nearest Boerner raised one sword, and Boerner hung his leather jacket upon it. He rolled up his shirtsleeves and grinned at The Major.
    “I do so enjoy my vork.…”

Further Reading
    You can learn more about the technologies and themes explored in
Freedom ™
through the following books:
    Omnivore’s Dilemma
by Michael Pollan, Penguin Press
    The Shock Doctrine
by Naomi Klein, Metropolitan Books
    When the Rivers Run Dry
by Fred Pearce, Beacon Press
    The Shadow Factory
by James Bamford, Doubleday
    When Corporations Rule the World
by David C. Korten, Kumarian Press & Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    The Transparent Society
by David Brin, Basic Books
    Wired for War
by P. W. Singer, Penguin Press
    The Populist Moment
by Lawrence Goodwyn, Oxford University Press
by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, Portfolio
    Brave New War
by John Robb, John Wiley & Sons

    This book was quite a journey. Dramatizing the sweeping socioeconomic and technological transformation of civilization required a little research. I’d like to extend my profound gratitude to: James Bamford, David Brin, Ian Cheney, Curt Ellis, Deborah Koons Garcia, Lawrence Goodwyn, Naomi Klein, David C. Korten, Fred Pearce, Michael Pollan, John Robb, and P. W. Singer whose published works informed this story in ways both great and small.
    The research and innovations of the following groups and institutions also aided greatly in the creation of this book: the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, California Institute of Technology, the people and State of Iowa, and the Ames Research Center.
    Thanks also to Stewart Brand and the entire Long Now Foundation for promoting long-term thinking in our institutions and culture.
    Thanks to Dan G. and Don T. for giving me an interesting forum for my crazy ideas.
    Thanks as well to Adam Winston for his much-appreciated insights on early drafts of this book.
    Also, sincere thanks to my wonderful literary agent, BridgetWagner, at Sagalyn Literary Agency, and also to my editor at Dutton, the saintly and talented Ben Sevier.
    And finally, heartfelt thanks to my patient and loving wife, Michelle.

About the Author
    Daniel Suarez is an independent systems consultant to Fortune 1000 companies. He has designed and developed enterprise software for the defense, finance, and entertainment industries. An avid gamer and technologist, he lives in Los Angeles, California.
™ is his second novel.
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