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Family Man

Family Man

Titel: Family Man
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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“Is that quite clear?”
    Luke smiled thoughtfully at the outraged reaction he had elicited. He lounged back in his chair and stacked his booted feet on the badly marred coffee table. “She's really got you under her thumb, hasn't she?”
    “I told you, I'm grateful to her. As it happens, I've enjoyed working for her.”
    Luke's expression was derisive. “Come off it.”
    Katy flushed. “For the most part,” she amended with compulsive honesty. “In any event, I assure you she's been extremely generous to me, and I've learned an enormous amount about business that I could not have learned in any other way.”
    “So why are you so eager to quite your job?”
    “I'm leaving Gilchrist, Inc. because I'm ready to pursue my own business plans.”
    “What plans?” Luke asked with lazy interest.
    Katy eyed him warily. She was uncertain how far off the subject she should allow him to drag her. Gilchrists could be devious. “I'm planning to open a small specialty take-out business.”
    “How quaint.” Luke gave her his humorless smile. “I suppose you know the failure rate in the restaurant business.”
    “I'm aware that it's quite high.”
    “Something like three out of four go under within two years.” Luke sounded almost cheerful for the first time.
    Katy was getting close to the end of her patience. “As I'm not paying you a consulting fee, I would appreciate it if you would not give me any advice. If I ever want it, I'll ask for it. In the meantime, you may keep your professional opinions to yourself.”
    Luke narrowed his eyes. “Do you ever talk to Justine like that?”
    “Justine rarely annoys me as much as you're annoying me.” Katy rose from the chair and went to the window. Hands clasped behind her back, she stared out at the storm-swept sea and took a calming breath. “I want you to consider what's at stake here before you completely dismiss the notion of helping your family.”
    “Nothing is at stake. At least nothing that I particularly care about.”
    “How can you be so callous?” Katy whirled around. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Zeke had lifted his head and was studying her intently. “Think about your aunt and uncle.”
    “For heaven's sake, your uncle Hayden is an artist. A very fine one, as it happens. But he has absolutely no talent for running a business like Gilchrist, Inc. He can't possibly step into Justine's shoes.”
    “I know.”
    “Maureen, his wife, runs a gallery. She knows art, but she doesn't know the food and beverage business. She can't take on Gilchrist either.”
    “I can see you're very involved in all this.”
    “And what about your cousins, Eden and Darren?” Katy continued desperately. “Your grandmother doesn't believe either one of them has the talent to take over the company. As a matter of fact, Eden went through a nasty divorce six months ago and is very depressed.”
    “Hire a shrink.”
    “She doesn't need a shrink, she needs the support of her family,” Katy retorted. “And I'm worried about your cousin Darren, too. He's been acting a little strange lately. I think there's something wrong, but he won't talk about it.”
    “Do you always get this worked up about things?”
    “I've got a right to get worked up. I'm supposed to fix this whole mess, and I can't do it alone. This is your family. You should be the one fixing things.” Arms crossed beneath her breasts, Katy began pacing the room. “Everything's falling apart. I've got to do something.”
    “Why don't you just quit your job? That sounds like the easiest way out of the situation,” Luke said. He watched her stride up and down the room.
    “I can't just quit. Not until I've done my level best to help Justine save Gilchrist, Inc. Don't you understand? I owe her.”
    “Just because she gave you a job?”
    “ Yes .”
    “I've got news for you. Smart employees are not that loyal. Not in this day and age. Doesn't pay.”
    She turned her head to meet his eyes. “What would you know about loyalty?”
    Luke's grim mouth tightened. “I don't need lectures on the subject from you, Katy Wade.”
    She bit her tongue. “This is getting us nowhere.”
    “I agree.”
    “All right. I won't waste any more time appealing to your obviously nonexistent sense of family responsibility. Let's try another approach. Couldn't you consider saving Gilchrist, Inc. a professional challenge?”
    Luke's teeth flashed in a brief grin. “You're persistent. I'll give you
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