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Episode 1 - The Beam

Episode 1 - The Beam

Titel: Episode 1 - The Beam
Autoren: Sean Platt
Vom Netzwerk:
them. He knew the firewall had blocked most of who he was. He knew it kept him inside this box, locked down tight. He knew that his normal way of expressing himself was hampered, and that he’d need to find other ways to do what he needed to do. He had references. Back when York had studied neurology, he’d learned about a man who couldn’t form new memories, but who had re-learned how to “learn” by establishing habits that played themselves out without his conscious awareness. York wouldn’t be able to do that to get out of his box, of course, but the process was the same: when one way is blocked, you find another.
    1163. 1171. 1181.
    Something was coming. There was something on the horizon. And here he was, with his hands tied behind his back.
    1187. 1193.
    York swore, heard himself swear, and again found his foot kicking at dirt. It was still kicking when a woman came up to him on horseback.
    “Hop on, Crumb,” she said, indicating a second horse behind her. “We’re going for a little ride. Leo wants us to play on The Beam.”
    1201. 1213.
    It was a good idea. York didn’t know why, but somehow, it was.
    He tried to tell the woman on the horse that he wanted to go, that he felt a sense of foreboding in the air.
    “Noah Fucking West,” he heard himself say instead.
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