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Enchanter's End Game

Enchanter's End Game

Titel: Enchanter's End Game
Autoren: David Eddings
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    The Orb blushed even brighter.
    Belgarath laughed, pulled his boot back on and rose unsteadily to his feet. "Perhaps you understand more than I thought you did," he said to the stone. He drained the last few drops from his tankard. "I'd really like to stay and discuss it," he said, "but I've run out of ale. I'm sure you'll excuse me."
    Then he went back up the broad aisle.
    When he reached the doorway, he stopped and cast one amused glance back at the still furiously blushing Orb. Then he chuckled again and went out, quietly closing the door behind him.

    Thus concludes The Belgariad, which began with Pawn of Prophecy.
    And while History, unlike mortal pen, does not cease, the records beyond this point remain as yet unrevealed.
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