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Drake Sisters 05 - Safe Harbor

Drake Sisters 05 - Safe Harbor

Titel: Drake Sisters 05 - Safe Harbor
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Safe Harbor
    Christine Feehan

    Published by the Penguin Group
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    Penguin Books Ltd., Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


    A Jove Book / published by arrangement with the author

    Jove mass-market edition / July 2007

    Copyright © 2007 by Christine Feehan.
    Excerpt from Dark Possession copyright © 2007 by Christine Feehan.
    Cover illustration and stepback art by Dan O'Leary.
    Cover handlettering by Ron Zinn.
    Cover design by George Long,
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    ISBN: 978-0-515-14318-8

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    For Dianne Fetzer, my beloved sister,
    whom I greatly admire and respect.
    You are an amazing woman.
    You've always known what you wanted
    and gone after it courageously.
    If anyone deserves a love story, it's you.


    As always, I need to thank several people for their help with this book. Cheryl Wilson and Domini Selk for their patience and understanding. Special thanks to Cecilia Feehan for writing Joley's song to Hannah. To Anita, Kathi, Cheryl, Cecilia, Manda and Carol for their contributions, many thanks! Tina, for her unfailing support and help whenever I ask, and of course, Brian Feehan for his suggestions and talking over action scenes in the middle of the night—you all always inspire me to do better.

    "All of Time"
    Hannah's song from Joley

    Verse 1:
    When all has gone away
    And you're alone out there
    All you have to do is say
    I need to hear that you care
    I'll whisper or I'll yell

    Whichever one you ask
    I wish that I could tell
    The feelings behind the mask

    I'm knocking at your door
    But it won't open for me
    How can I be there
    If you won't let me see
    Won't you open for me
    Won't you let me inside
    I want to be able to see
    All the feelings you hide

    Verse 2:
    When the world has walked out
    And you're alone in the dark
    When all you do is doubt
    And try to find a spark
    Call out my name, I'll be listening
    Waiting for the wind to send
    My name that you're whispering
    Baby, I'll be there in the end


    I'm knocking at your door
    But it won't open for me
    How can I be there
    If you won't let me see
    Won't you open for me
    Won't you let me inside

    I want to be able to see
    All the feelings you hide

    Don't be afraid
    You don't have to fear
    I'm by your side
    For all of time
    I'll never leave your side
    I'm here for all of time
    All of time

    I'm knocking at your door
    But it won't open for me
    How can I be there
    If you won't let me see
    Won't you open for me

    Won't you let me inside
    I want to be able to see
    All the feelings you hide

    —Cecilia Feehan

Chapter One
    "YOU want to tell me how the hell we got
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