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Double Take

Double Take

Titel: Double Take
Autoren: Catherine Coulter
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shoulder, like a bride with her garter, and everyone laughed. It was Dane Carver who shouted, “I got it! What do you think, Nick? How about a new Porsche in hissy-fit yellow?”
    Savich opened the door and eased down into the driver’s seat. He closed his eyes and inhaled the rich-as-sin leather smell, let the seat enfold him. He put the key in the ignition, and felt the Porsche all but hum around him as the powerful engine roared to life. Ah, sweet music for the universe.
    He threw back his head, marveling at the perfection of the world and his place in it, eased the gear shift into first, and pressed lightly on the accelerator. Well, lightly at first.
    Everyone heard him laughing as the Porsche roared out of the Maitland driveway and attacked the road.
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