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Die Schlafwandler: Wie Europa in den Ersten Weltkrieg zog (German Edition)

Die Schlafwandler: Wie Europa in den Ersten Weltkrieg zog (German Edition)

Titel: Die Schlafwandler: Wie Europa in den Ersten Weltkrieg zog (German Edition)
Autoren: Christopher Clark
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General Corespondence from 1906–1966, (War).
    FO 371/ 2098 Political Departments: General Corespondence from 1906–1966, Serbia.
    FO 371/3958 Political Departments: General Corespondence from 1906–1966, Russia.
    FO 416/50 Confidencial Print Persia. Affairs of Persia. Further Correspondence Part XXVIII.
    FO 418/38 Confidencial Print Russia and Soviet Union. Affairs of Russia. Further Correspondence Part XIII.
    FO 800/80 Private Offices: Various Ministers’ and Officials’ Papers. Grey, Sir Edward (Viscount).
    FO 800/165 Private Offices: Various Ministers’ and Officials’ Papers. Bertie, Sir Francis. Series A Correspondence. France.
    FO 800/171 Private Offices: Various Ministers’ and Officials’ Papers. Bertie, Sir Francis. Series A Correspondence. Germany.
    FO 800/354 Private Offices: Various Ministers’ and Officials’ Papers. Nicolson, Sir Arthur. Miscellaneous correspondence volume 2, 01 January 1912–1931 December 1912.
    FO 800/355 Private Offices: Various Ministers’ and Officials’ Papers. Nicolson, Sir Arthur. Miscellaneous correspondence volume 3, 01 January 1912–1931 December 1912.
    FO 800/373 Private Offices: Various Ministers’ and Officials’ Papers. Nicolson, Sir Arthur. Miscellaneous correspondence volume 2, 01 January 1914–1931 December 1914.
    FO 800/374 Private Offices: Various Ministers’ and Officials’ Papers. Nicolson, Sir Arthur. Miscellaneous correspondence volume 3, 01 January 1912–1931 December 1912.
    WO 106/1039 War Offices: Directorate of Military Operations and Military Intelligence, and predecessors: Correspondence and Papers. RUSSIA NORTH. Despatches from Colonel Knox. Increase in the Russian Army 1914 Feb. Army programme and Western Frontier
    b) Literaturverzeichnis
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