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Devils Roses 04 - Witch

Devils Roses 04 - Witch

Titel: Devils Roses 04 - Witch
Autoren: Tara Brown
Vom Netzwerk:

    New York 1994
    Her eyes adjusted to the dark as she waited for the footsteps that grew louder, as they drew closer. Pain ripped through her as she pushed, desperate not to make a sound. The sweat dripping from her brow and landing on the soft cot sounded like a hammer falling upon a nail. The loudest sound in the room was her rapidly beating heart. It sounded like a drum.
    She gasped as the contraction took over. It forced her to push harder against the waves of pain.
    Lost in it all she didn’t notice the door opening. She didn’t notice the finely manicured hand that propped it open. She didn’t notice the startling green eyes that watched her. Had she noticed them she would have seen the fear inside of them.
    She let a small noise escape her lips, as exhaustion blended with her pushing.
    Fully engaged in pushing, as her body was thrown into spasms, she ignored the voice. Somewhere in the back of her mind she recognized the voice, relief filled her. It was better than pain medication.
    “Lil can you hear me?” The green-eyed woman walked into the room closing and locking the door.
    She nodded, gasping for air.
    The sound of running water filled the room, she ignored it. She focused. Her belly tightened with the next contraction, making a scream slip from her lips.
    Warm fingers gripped her ankles, “It’s okay Lil. Deep breathes.”
    Hopelessness washed over her as the fingers rubbed her ankles. She felt the pressure, as the head was freed from her canal.
    “The head is out Lil. Stop pushing for a minute.”
    She breathed against the stinging sensation and waited for the words allowing her to push again.
    “Okay, one more big push and he’s out.”
    Lillith clenched every muscle, letting another scream slip from her tight lips, as she pushed the baby out. Instant relief filled her as the screams of the child echoed throughout the sterile room.
    She kept her eyes closed. She was terrified it would be the same as the others.
    The silence of the other woman told her more than any words ever could.
    Tears streamed down her flushed cheeks, “Just do it quickly sister.”
    “Lil, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
    She shook her head, “Get rid of her quickly Anna. I cannot bear for it to be drawn out.” She heaved slightly as her stomached tightened again.
    She had never felt such a strong contraction for the placenta before. She knew instantly that something was wrong. Her stomach tightened as if it were ripping. Screams tore their way ripped from her lips. She watched as her midwife placed the baby girl in the carrier and turned back to her.
    “It’s another head Lil.”
    She smiled through the pain, he would get his son. She would be free. At long last she would be free.

Chapter One

    She shivered, watching the night move around her. Nothing made sense anymore. She thought about Aimee, and had to fight the tears that threatened her every moment. She hoped, no matter where Aimee was, she was safe. She couldn’t believe the things Blake said about her, Aimee was no monster.
    Blake had become the monster. She knew it wasn’t his fault. He never changed on the outside, he was still the nerdy boy she had fallen in love with, but inside he was dead. Something had changed inside of his eyes, they were lifeless.
    A noise outside of her room stilled her mind. She felt her breath stop as she scuttled to the corner silently. She moved with stealth she never knew she possessed.
    The darkness of the room was still as she listened to the noise in the hallway. She waited for it to pass by her room, but instead it remained outside her door.
    She felt her stomach lurch forward, as she imagined the horror outside of the room, waiting for her.
    She wrapped her arms around her legs and pulled them into her chest. She took shallow breaths, hoping no one could hear. She knew better though, she knew they could hear her. They could hear her fear, as if it were a symphony playing for them.
    She closed her eyes and imagined Aimee bursting through the door. She would look the way the panther dude had said she would. Leather pants and huge boots. Her long hair would look like a cape behind her. She would be strong and kick ass on all the freaks that held Alise there.
    She maintained her vision of her sister, as the key turned in the lock. The door creaked open, filling the room with thunderous noises. Footsteps crossed the room.
    Teeth shot out like a switchblade.
    A horrid laugh filled her
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