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Definitely Dead

Definitely Dead

Titel: Definitely Dead
Autoren: Charlaine Harris
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companion said quietly.
    “Some days, I’m not sure either.” We rode for a while in silence.
    “Well, tell me about Bon Temps,” Amelia said, to get us out of our conversational doldrums.
    I began to tell her about the town, and the bar where I worked, and the wedding shower I’d been invited to attend, and all the upcoming weddings.
    “Sounds pretty good,” Amelia said. “Hey, I know I kind of asked myself along. Do you mind, I mean, really?”
    “No,” I said, with a speed that surprised even me. “No, it’ll be nice to have company . . . for a while,” I added cautiously. “What will you do about your house in New Orleans while you’re gone?”
    “Everett said he wouldn’t mind living in the upper apartment, because his mom was getting kind of hard to take. Since he’s got such a good job with Cataliades, he can afford it. He’ll watch my plants and stuff until I get back. He can always e-mail me.” Amelia had a laptop in her trunk, so for the first time there’d be a computer in the Stackhouse home. There was a pause, and then she said, her voice tentative, “How are you feeling now? I mean, with the ex and all?”
    I considered. “I have a big hole in my heart,” I said. “But it’ll close over.”
    “I don’t want to sound all Dr. Phil,” she said. “But don’t let the scab seal the pain in, okay?”
    “That’s good advice,” I said. “I hope I can manage it.”
    I’d been gone a few days, and they’d been eventful ones. As we drew closer to Bon Temps, I wondered if Tanya had succeeded in getting Sam to ask her out. I wondered if I’d have to tell Sam about Tanya’s role as spy. Eric didn’t have to be confused about me any more, since our big secret was out. He didn’t have a hold on me. Would the Pelts stick to their word? Maybe Bill would go on a long trip. Maybe a stake would accidentally fall on his chest while he was gone.
    I hadn’t heard from Jason while I was in New Orleans. I wondered if he was still planning on getting married. I hoped Crystal had recovered. I wondered if Dr. Ludwig accepted insurance payments. And the Bellefleur double wedding should be an interesting event, even if I was working while I was there.
    I took a deep breath. My life was not so bad, I told myself, and I began to believe that was true. I had a new boyfriend, maybe; I had a new friend, surely; and I had events to look forward to. This was all good, and I should be grateful.
    So what if I was obliged to attend a vampire conference as part of the queen’s entourage? We’d stay in a fancy hotel, dress up a lot, attend long boring meetings, if everything other people had told me about conferences was true.
    Gosh, how bad could that be?
    Better not to think about it.

Dear Readers,
    If you’ve enjoyed Sookie’s adventures, you might be interested in reading other works of mine. In 2005, Berkley published Grave Sight , the first book in a series about a young woman named Harper Connelly. Harper was struck by lightning when she was fifteen years old, and since then she’s been able to find dead people. Now in her twenties, Harper and her stepbrother, Tolliver, conduct their unique business on the road.
    As the two travel from job to job, they encounter all kinds of clients along the way. Sometimes, the body Harper finds has met a foul death . . . and sometimes, the people who pay her think Harper knows more than she does about who committed the murder.
    If you think you might like reading about Harper and Tolliver, Grave Surprise , the second book about their investigations, will be on the shelves in hardcover in November of 2006. The same month, Grave Sight will be released in paperback.
    I hope you enjoy the change of pace.
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