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Deathstalker 03 - Deathstalker War

Deathstalker 03 - Deathstalker War

Titel: Deathstalker 03 - Deathstalker War
Autoren: Simon R. Green
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Deathstalker. I should bill you for the damage."
    "Given the size of the docking fees, I thought you already had," said Owen, completely unruffled.
    "And before you ask," said Hazel, "no, you don't get your usual unofficial ten percent cut of the cargo we're carrying. Feel free to argue the point. And I'll feel free to cut you off at the knees. Possibly quite literally."
    "Don't mind her," said Owen. "She's just being herself. If I might inquire, since we're so persona non grata, what brings you here at all? Politeness to the underground?"
    "No," said Topaz, her voice as cold as the grave. "We just wanted a look at the legendary Jack Random."
    Random flashed them his winning smile and bowed formally. "Delighted to make your acquaintances, Investigator and Director. Rest assured, I shall do everything in my power to see that our business is carried out quietly and quickly, with the minimum of disturbance to all concerned. But I make no secret of my intention to bring Mistworld into the underground, and the central path of the rebellion. You've been left alone in the cold too long. It's time for us all to stand together, and take the fight to the Empire."

    "Great," said Steel, entirely unmoved. "Another bloody hero. We get a lot through here. They come and they go, and nothing ever changes."
    "Ah," said Random, grinning broadly. "But they're not Jack Random."
    To Owen's surprise, Steel grinned back. Jenny Psycho stepped forward suddenly.
    "In case anyone's forgotten, I'm still here," she said loudly. "I represent the Mater Mundi, Our Mother of All Souls."
    "Congratulations," said Topaz. "You're the tenth this month. It's the most common confidence trick in Mistport. Probably because so many people are desperate to believe in it. If you weren't with Jack Random, I'd have you thrown in gaol on general principles. So keep your head down and don't make waves. Is that clear?"
    Jenny Psycho's eyes blazed suddenly with an inner light, shining from her face like spotlights. Loose energy sparked and crackled on the air around her, as her power stirred within her. Her presence beat on the air like the wings of a giant bird, forcing them all back. Something lived deep within Jenny Psycho, something vast and powerful and not necessarily human, and it was awakening. Gideon Steel drew a gun. Investigator Topaz opened her mouth to sing. And Owen and Hazel threw themselves on Jenny and wrestled her to the ground. Her power lashed out at them, only to be met and swept aside by a greater power, as yet unfocused and untrained, but still more than enough to silence a mere esper who had only been touched in passing by something greater. Her presence shattered like a smashed mirror and was gone. Owen and Hazel cut off their power, rolled Jenny over, and pressed her face against the harsh surface of the landing pad.
    Owen sat on her, just in case, and smiled up at Steel and Topaz.
    "Don't mind Jenny. She doesn't travel well. Once you get to know her, she's
    quite objectionable."
    Steel sniffed and put away his gun. Topaz scowled. "Something happened then,"
    she said slowly. "I just caught the edges, but you two did something there.
    There's more to you than meets the eye, Deathstalker."
    "There would have to be," said Steel. "Welcome to Mistworld, people, and keep that esper on a short leash, or I'll have her muzzled. The man lurking in the background behind us, and carefully staying out of harm's way, is John Silver, our current head of starport Security. He'll look after you during your stay, and do his best to keep you out of trouble, if he ever wants to see his pension.
    Best of luck in your various missions, and if anything goes wrong I don't want to hear about it. Don't bother popping in to say good-bye before you leave. Now, if you'll excuse us, Topaz and I have work to do."
    And with that the two of them turned and walked away, disappearing back into the concealing fog. John Silver glared after them, made a rude noise and a ruder gesture, and strolled forward to introduce himself with an easy smile. "Don't take it personally; they're like that with everyone. Mostly with good reason, but that's Mistport for you. Hello, Hazel, good to you see again."
    "Good to see you, you old pirate," said Hazel, grinning, and stepped forward to hug Silver tightly. Owen was almost shocked. Hazel wasn't usually a touchy-feely kind of person. He took the opportunity to study Mistport's head of Security.
    Silver was tall and broad-shouldered, with
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