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Death by Chocolate

Death by Chocolate

Titel: Death by Chocolate
Autoren: G. A. McKevett
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and you’re still never going to know.”
    Cordele pulled back enough
to look into her sister’s eyes. “So what do I do?” she asked. “How do I stop?”
    “One day, one moment at a
time. As many times as you need to, tell yourself, ‘It’s over. It’s gone. It
doesn’t matter anymore.’ Just like you do with those books you love so much,
you turn the page. Same book, okay, but new chapter.”
    Cordele dried her eyes and
blew her nose. A faint smile played across her face. “Can we really go on a
road trip up the coast?”
    “You’re damned tootin’!
First thing tomorrow morning, right after breakfast. Okay?”
    Cordele’s smile broadened,
and Savannah caught a glimpse of a little girl she had known long ago in
Georgia, one she still loved dearly.
    “Okay,” Cordele said. She
drew a deep breath of resolve. “And we’re going to turn the page and write a new
    Savannah kissed her
sister’s tear-damp cheeks. “Sugar darlin’, the best is yet to come!”
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