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Cousins and Crocodiles

Titel: Cousins and Crocodiles
Autoren: Jane Bowring
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    4. What can Susie see when she looks across the garden? ________________________________________
    Language activities
    A.Write the correct prepositions in the spaces. into to near on
    1. There is water ______________ Alice's book.
    2. Jamie jumps ______________ the pool.
    3. They all go ______________ the gate.
    4. Mother crocodiles stay ______________ their nests.
    B. Write the missing letters to make words from Chapter 3.
    1. w _ rm 3. g _ _ d
    2. d _ ng _ r _ _ s 4. n _ _ ghty
    What do you think?
    Listen to Chapter 3 on the CD. Where do you think that Jamie has gone? _____________________________________________________

    Chapter 4
    Before you read
    A.Look at the picture on page 15 and circle the correct answers.
    1. Where are Susie and Jamie?
    a. in a boat b. in a room c. in a garden
    2. What is Jamie looking at?
    a. a small lizard b. a big crocodile c. a large tree
    B. Find these words in your dictionary. Use them in the sentences. point afraid lizard remember
    1. Can you ______________ your first day at school?
    2. We saw a ______________ running across the hot sand.
    3. Please _____________ to the watch that you want to look at.
    4. Most people are ______________ of spiders and snakes.
    C. Listen to Track 5 on the CD and answer these questions.
    1. What does Jamie open?
    a. his eyes b. the door
    2. What part of Susie does the car door hit?
    a. her arm b. her knee
    3. Where is the lizard?
    a. in the car b. on the ground
    After you read
    A.Circle the correct answers.
    1. Where does Susie find Jamie?
    a. in the cupboard b. in the swimming pool c. in the car
    2. What does the lizard stop near?
    a. a path b. a tree c. a flower
    3. Where do they eat lunch?
    a. in the hotel b. on the boat c. in the garden
    4. What does the mother crocodile in the picture have in her mouth?
    a. a baby crocodile b. a lizard c. a boat

    B. Circle T for true or F for false for these sentences.
    1. Uncle Rob finds Jamie. T / F
    2. Jamie thinks that the lizard is pretty. T / F
    3. The lizard has a short tail. T / F
    4. Swimming in the river is dangerous. T / F
    C. Complete these sentences.
    1. Susie calls Aunty Beth on ______________.
    2. Crocodiles, lizards and birds all come from ______________.
    3. On the table is a lot of food and a big ______________.
    4. After lunch, Susie and Jamie go into ______________.
    D. Write short answers to these questions.
    1. What does Susie remember crossing yesterday? ________________________________________
    2. What animal is a cousin of a crocodile? ________________________________________
    3. When does the boat go? ________________________________________
    4. Where is the picture of a baby crocodile on its mother's back? ________________________________________
    Language activities
    A.Circle the correct verb forms in these sentences.
    1. Jamie points / point at the lizard.
    2. Crocodiles and lizards is / are cousins.
    3. The water go / goes over everybody.
    4. The people is looking / are looking at a crocodile.
    B. Use these letters to make words from Chapter 4. The first letter is given for each word.
    1. mutho: m______________ 3. eenk: k______________
    2. ckab: b______________ 4. dahe: h______________
    What do you think?
    Listen to Chapter 4 on the CD. What is Jamie afraid of? How does Susie help him?

    Chapter 5
    Before you read
    A.Look at the picture on page 20 and circle the correct answers.
    1. What is everybody looking at?
    a. a crocodile b. a lizard c. the river
    2. Who is standing next to Susie?
    a. her mother b. her aunt Beth c. her cousin Jamie
    B. Find these words in your dictionary. Use them in the sentences. branch dragon wide silly
    1. In the film, the boy rides on the back of a flying ________.
    2. She opens the door _____________ and lets the sun come in.
    3. The ___________ man tries to get the moon out of the water.
    4. A bird is making a nest on the ______________ of a tree near my window.
    C. Listen to Track 6 on the CD and answer these questions.
    1. What does Susie's mother give them?
    a. food b. water
    2. Where is the dragon before it jumps into the water?
    a. on a branch b. in the boat
    3. What does Alice want to see?
    a. crocodiles b. birds
    After you read
    A.Circle the correct answers.
    1. What are cousins of crocodiles?
    a. birds b. dragons c. people
    2. Who says, ‚That's an Eastern Water Dragon‘?
    a. Jamie b. Aunty Beth c. a man on the boat
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