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Children of the Moon 04 - Dragon's Moon

Children of the Moon 04 - Dragon's Moon

Titel: Children of the Moon 04 - Dragon's Moon
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    “Lucy Monroe captures the very heart of the genre.”
—Debbie Macomber, # 1 New York Times bestselling author
    Moon Burning
    “A sizzling story…Fast-paced and intriguing.”
    — Joyfully Reviewed
    “I really adore this series and Moon Burning doesn’t disappoint…Ms. Monroe is an incredible author.”
    — TwoLips Reviews
    Moon Craving
    “[A] sexy, stay-up-all-night read.”
    — RT Book Reviews
    “A book that will grab you right from the beginning.”
    — Romance Reviews Today
    “Ms. Monroe captivates the readers with her spine-tingling explosive action and highly intense, sensual love story.”
    — Fallen Angel Reviews
    Moon Awakening
    “Simply awesome…Stunningly sexy and emotionally riveting…Easily one of the best paranormals I’ve ever read!”
    — Joyfully Reviewed
    “A sensual, humorous story with intriguing and entrancing characters…Outstanding…I’m looking forward to future stories.”
    — Fresh Fiction
    “[A] wicked and wonderful temptation…Give yourself a treat and read this book. Lucy Monroe will capture your heart.”
    —Susan Wiggs, New York Times bestselling author
    “Lucy Monroe’s romances sizzle!”
    —JoAnn Ross, New York Times bestselling author
    “If you enjoy Linda Howard, Diana Palmer and Elizabeth Lowell, then I think you’d really love Lucy’s work.”
    —Lori Foster, New York Times bestselling author
    “Monroe brings a fresh voice to historical romance.”
    —Stef Ann Holm, USA Today bestselling author
    “Lucy Monroe is an awesome talent.”
    — The Best Reviews
    “A fresh new voice in romance.”
    —Debbie Macomber
    “Romance as only Lucy Monroe does it…Joy, passion and heartfelt emotions.”
    — The Road to Romance
    “A perfect 10!”
    — Romance Reviews Today
    “An intense, compelling read from page one to the very end. With her powerful voice and vision, Lucy packs emotion into every scene…[A] sizzling story with tangible sexual tension.”
    —Jane Porter, bestselling author
    “Lucy has written a wonderful full-blooded hero and a beautiful, warm heroine.”
    —Maggie Cox, USA Today bestselling author
    “A charming tale…The delightful characters jump off the page!”
    —Theresa Scott, bestselling author


Berkley Sensation titles by Lucy Monroe
    Children of the Moon Novels

Dragon’s Moon

    Lucy Monroe


    Published by the Penguin Group
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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.
    A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
    Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / September 2012
    Copyright © 2012 by Lucy Monroe.
    Excerpt from Warrior’s Moon by Lucy Monroe copyright © 2012 by Lucy Monroe.
    Excerpt from Ecstasy Under the Moon by Lucy Monroe © 2012 by Lucy Monroe.
    Cover art by Gregg Gulbronson.
    Cover design by George Long.
    Interior text design by Laura K. Corless.
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