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Blood Red Road

Blood Red Road

Titel: Blood Red Road
Autoren: Moira Young
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into the shanty. Grab my crossbow, sling my quiver on my back. Grab Pa’s bolt shooter. Empty. I throw it down with a curse. Snatch up his crossbow an quiver.
    I come runnin out.
    Pa! I yell. They got Lugh! I grab his arm, give him a hard shake. This is real! You gotta fight!
    Then it’s like he comes to life. He pulls hisself tall, his eyes spark an the Pa I remember’s back. He hauls me to him, holds me so tight I cain’t hardly breathe.
    My time’s nearly up, he says quickly.
    No, Pa!
    Listen. I dunno what happens after this. I could only see glimpses. But they’re gonna need you, Saba. Lugh an Emmi. An there’ll be others too. Many others. Don’t give in to fear. Be strong, like I know you are. An never give up, d’you unnerstand, never. No matter what happens.
    I stare at him.
    I won’t, I says. I ain’t no quitter, Pa.
    That’s my girl.
    He takes the crossbow. Slings the quiver on his back.
    Ready? he says.
    Ready, I says.
    We start runnin. Runnin towards Lugh an the men on horseback.
    One of the riders is loopin his rope into a lasso.
    Load! yells Pa. We each snatch a arrow. Load.
    The roper twirls the lasso once, twice. Throws.
    Aim! yells Pa.
    The lasso grabs Lugh’s leg. The roper yanks on it, brings him down.
    Fire! yells Pa.
    We let fly. The arrows land short.
    Load! Pa yells agin.
    The roper an another rider leap offa their horses. They flip Lugh onto his back. One sits on him. Th’other one yanks his arms over his head, ties his wrists together, then his ankles.
    Stop! says Pa. Let him go!
    We’re still runnin. We take aim. One of the mounted riders turns. Sees us comin at ’em. He raises his bolt shooter. He fires.
    Pa cries out. His arms fly up in the air.
    Pa! I scream.
    He staggers. He falls.
    Pa! I throw myself down beside him. The bolt’s gone right through his heart. I grab his shoulders, pull him up. His head flops forwards.
    No! I shake him. No no no no no no no! Don’t do this, Pa! You cain’t die! Please don’t die!
    I give him another shake. His head lolls back.
    Pa, I whisper. I’m froze. I cain’t move. He’s dead. They’ve killed my pa.
    A wild rage rises up in me. Red hot. Floodin me. Chokin me. I grab my crossbow. Leap to my feet an start runnin towards the men. As I run, I load my bow.
    Aaaaaah! I scream. Aaaaaaah!
    I take aim. I shoot. But the red hot’s makin my hands shake so much that I shoot wild. The arrow flies wide.
    A shot comes whistlin at me. Sharp pain. Right hand. I cry out. My bow flies from my hand.
    I keep runnin.
    I burst past the horses, throw myself at the man tyin up Lugh. We roll on the ground, over an over. I kick at him, punch at him, screamin. He pushes me off. He’s on his feet. Grabs my arm, hauls me up, slams me down. I land on my back. I gasp. Gasp. Cain’t breathe. Cain’t breathe. Cain’t git my breath.
    Then. Then.
    I pull myself to my feet an face ’em, swayin.
    The four horsemen’s all down on the ground now. On foot. They surround Lugh. They don’t even look my way. It’s like I ain’t here. Like I don’t exist.
    I hold my bleedin hand to my chest. Let him go, I says.
    They don’t pay me no heed.
    Lugh raises his head. Eyes wide. Face white. Terrified. Like I ain’t never seen him before.
    I step closer. Take me with you, I says.
    The one in charge jerks his head. They lift Lugh an sling him over one of the horses.
    Please, I says. Please … take me with you. I won’t give you no trouble. Jest don’t leave me here without him.
    They tie him to the horse. The rider holds the horse’s reins an jumps on behind one of th’other men. They start to move out in a swirl of red dust.
    Lugh! I cry. I run alongside him. I gasp. Cain’t git a breath.
    Lugh lifts his head. Our eyes meet. Lugh’s eyes. Blue as the summer sky. I grab his hands.
    I’ll find you, I says. Wherever they take you, I swear I’ll find you.
    No, he says. It’s too dangerous. Keep yerself safe. You an Emmi. Promise me you will.
    They grab Hob’s rope as they pass. They’re takin him too.
    They break into a canter.
    I cain’t keep up. My hand slides away from Lugh’s.
    Promise me, Saba, Lugh says.
    I keep runnin after ’em.
    I’ll find you! I scream.
    They disappear into the red haze.
    Lugh! I scream. Lugh! Come back!
    My legs go out from unner me. I fall to my knees.
    Emmi comes runnin outta the storm cellar. She stops. Stares at the hazy red world. At Procter John, lyin next to the hut. Then she sees Pa.
    Pa! she screams an goes runnin
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