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Titel: Badges
Autoren: John Simpson
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The Last Place

    When Dale got up and looked out the window, he was not pleased by what greeted him. There had to be at least a foot of snow on the ground, and he was due at work in just over an hour. He walked down the three steps that separated the bedroom and bathroom area from the kitchen and living room and hit the button to turn the coffee pot on. A sudden chill hit him as the first hint of dripping coffee was heard, and Dale ran back up the steps and into the bathroom.

    It still felt strange to wake up and be alone in the house, even though it had been well over six months since his divorce was finalized and his ex-wife, Julie, moved out and down to Florida with her parents. As he stepped into the hot, streaming water, his body began to relax from the chill in the kitchen, and he quickly finished his ablutions. He wrapped a towel around himself and carefully shaved and brushed his teeth. When he turned to leave, he was facing the full-length mirror on the back of the door. It hadn’t steamed up totally, and Dale couldn’t resist his ritual body inspection.

    He dropped the towel to the floor and gave his body a critical review, looking for the slightest imperfection anywhere. The two areas of his body that pleased him the most were his well-defined chest and his penis. Chests and penises were so important to the self-image of a man that he had always worked hard to maintain his pecs. As for his penis, he was just grateful that he had been born with the right genes and that Mother Nature had taken care of the rest.

    Next, he looked for any wrinkles on his face and was pleased when he still couldn’t find any. The stress of a broken marriage that should have never taken place had failed to put any lines on his face. His legs were in decent shape, and his stomach was flat, even though he didn’t possess the typical washboard abs that so many men strived for and often failed to acquire. He turned around and looked over his shoulder at his ass and was pleased with the two firm mounds of flesh that filled out his jeans so beautifully. Even though he was only twenty-eight, he had seen so many men let themselves go and turn to walking mush once they got married.

    Pleased, he put his towel back on and headed into the bedroom, where he began dressing for work. Hearing the last of the coffee falling into the pot made him move more quickly. He clicked the morning news on in the bedroom so that he could catch the weather forecast as he dressed. When the weatherman announced that it was only seventeen degrees out and expected to get colder during the afternoon, Dale took off the Calvin Klein boxer briefs he had just put on and put on a pair of long underwear instead. Next came the winter shirt and pants and heavy socks.

    His work boots were kept in the front hall closet near the door where he took them off every day so as to not scuff up the floor. When he re-entered the kitchen, he was greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed Kona coffee that a friend of his had sent from Hawaii. He poured the coffee, got some OJ from the refrigerator, and sat down at the table to enjoy both.

    He liked to skip eating anything for breakfast but stopped for lunch if circumstances permitted. As he sat there, his mind drifted back to his recent divorce, and once again he felt very grateful that they had not had any children. Children would have made the divorce a thousand times more difficult, and it had been hard enough as it was. The reason cited in the divorce papers was profound incompatibility. After the second year of marriage, Dale had lost all sexual interest in his wife, even though he loved her as much as he had on his wedding day.

    He had even gone to doctors in an attempt to find out if a physical condition was preventing him from enjoying a love life with his wife. All the tests came back normal, and that left only mental reasons. Julie assumed incorrectly that Dale had fallen out of love with her and that he was seeing another woman.

    While it was true that many a lady wanted to bag Dale, none succeeded. Dale had vowed he would never cheat on his wife, and he hadn’t. Constant fighting and baseless accusations drove Dale to seek a divorce, and when Julie moved out, peace, which was so important to Dale when he wasn’t at work, returned to his home.

    Dale realized with a jolt that he had drifted off into deep thought and quickly checked his watch. It was time to go, and he drained the coffee cup, filled up a thermos,
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