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Baby Im Back

Baby Im Back

Titel: Baby Im Back
Autoren: Stephanie Bond
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a powerful thigh, but the bottom part of his pants billowed loosely around a stiff core. Lora covered her mouth with stunning realization.
    Barry Ballantine was walking on a prosthetic lower leg.

Chapter Three

    LORA COULDN’T get her mind off Barry Ballantine, not even after she started her afternoon shift at the Sweetness Family Medical Center. When Dr. Nikki Salinger had brought her on board as a physical therapist, she’d had her doubts that a town the size of Sweetness—even if it was growing every day—would offer enough patients to keep her busy. But with the army of men and women the Armstrongs had employed to build the town, there was always a back, neck, limb, or joint that needed to be rehabilitated. Today between Mr. Tyler’s trick knee and Ms. Jacoby’s carpel tunnel, she found her mind going back to Barry again and again. She felt horrible for being so short with him—it wasn’t as if he’d splashed her on purpose. And it seemed petty to hold him accountable for all the unkind teasing that had come her way in high school. That was, after all, more than a decade ago.
    On the other hand, she didn’t want to fall into the trap of feeling sorry for the man simply because he’d lost part of his leg—amputees were not to be pitied. But she was sensitive to the fact that it was likely he’d lost it defending his country, and to the fact that his life would always be harder than a person who had two healthy legs.
    By mid-afternoon, the man had worn a rut in her mind. So when she walked a patient to the lobby and she spotted Barry coming into the clinic, she thought she’d conjured him up. She watched him move, took note of his alignment and how it threw off his gait. He stopped in front of the receptionist’s desk and spoke briefly. When the woman gestured toward the waiting area, he headed toward a row of chairs. Before he could sit, he noticed her and stopped.
    Lora felt obliged to move toward him. Her pulse clicked higher with every step. “Hello,” she said simply.
    He straightened and subtly moved the cane behind him. “You again.” He tried to smile, but she noticed the pinched look around his mouth.
    “Me again.”
    “Are you a doctor?”
    “No, I’m a physical therapist.”
    His eyes clouded. “I’ve seen my share of those.”
    She inclined her head. “How long have you had the prosthesis?”
    Surprise flickered over his face. “About three months.”
    “Is it t rans-tibial?”
    “Yeah, I got to keep my knee, thank goodness.”
    She nodded. “Do you mind if I ask what brings you in to the clinic?”
    He gave her a tight smile. “I need a prescription.”
    “For painkillers?” When he didn’t respond immediately, she added, “I can tell you’re in pain.”
    “Damn foot still thinks it’s down there.”
    “Have you tried massage?”
    His mouth tightened. “No offense, but the pain meds work for me.”
    She kept her tone light. “No offense, but I can get you off that cane.”
    Anger flashed in his eyes. He brought the cane around front and leaned harder. “I’m okay with the cane—I think it adds character.”
    Lora inclined her head as she backed away. “Sorry to intrude. I’m sure Dr. Salinger will get you what you need.”


    “I think you need more physical therapy,” Dr. Salinger said.
    From the exam table where Barry sat, he tamped down his irritation. “I’ve had six months of physical therapy.” He thumped the exposed metal prosthesis, then rolled down his jeans leg. “I’ve gotten as good with this thing as I’m going to get.”
    The doctor gave him a little smile. “Maybe.”
    “I’m not addicted to the painkillers,” Barry said. “I take them only when I really need them.”
    She nodded. “I believe you. I completed my residency at a veterans’ hospital, so unfortunately, I’ve treated many amputees. I think the right physical therapist would not only increase your mobility, but also decrease your pain. I don’t know how long you’re planning to stay in Sweetness, but we have an excellent therapist here at the clinic.”
    Barry set his jaw. Having one of the male physical therapists at Bethesda Naval Hospital work on his stump was one thing, but having Lora Jansen’s hands on him and letting her see him stumble and fall around—no thanks. “I’m only going to be here for a few days.”
    Dr. Salinger studied him until he averted his gaze. When he looked back, she angled her head. “I’ll make you a deal, Seaman
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