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A Will and a Way

A Will and a Way

Titel: A Will and a Way
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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surprised she could speak at all. “You want to get married?”
    “Living together’s too easy.”
    She was more surprised that she could laugh. “Easy?”
    “That’s right.” He shifted her until she was lying flat on the sofa, his body pressed into hers. When his mouth came down, it wasn’t patient, wasn’t gentle, and everything he thought, everything he felt, communicated itself through that one contact. As she did rarely, as he asked rarely, she went limp and pliant. Her arms went around him. Perhaps it was easy after all.
    “I love you, Michael.”
    “We’re getting married.”
    “It looks that way.”
    His eyes were intense when he lifted his head. “I’m going to make life tough on you, Pandora. That’s just to pay you back for the fact that you’ll be the most exasperating wife on record. Do we understand each other?”
    Her smile bloomed slowly. “I suppose we always have.”
    Michael pressed a kiss to her forehead, to the tip of her nose, then to her lips. “He understood both of us.”
    She followed his gaze to Jolley’s portrait. “Crazy old goat has us right where he wants us. I imagine he’s having a good laugh.” She rubbed her cheek against Michael’s. “I just wish he could be here to see us married.”
    Michael lifted a brow. “Who says he won’t be?” He pulled her up and picked up both glasses. “To Maximillian Jolley McVie.”
    “To Uncle Jolley.” Pandora clinked her glass to Michael’s. “To us.”

Don’t miss these other favorite series by Nora Roberts available now wherever ebooks are sold!
    Stars of Mithra
    Hidden Star
    Captive Star
    Secret Star
    The MacKade Brothers
    The Return of Rafe MacKade
    The Pride of Jared MacKade
    The Heart of Devin MacKade
    The Fall of Shane MacKade
    The Stanislaskis
    Taming Natasha
    Luring a Lady
    Falling for Rachel
    Convincing Alex
    Waiting for Nick
    Considering Kate
    Also Available
    A Will and a Way
    Lessons Learned
    One Summer
    Second Nature
    Summer Desserts
    Unfinished Business

ISBN: 978-1-4592-7338-2
    A Will and a Way
    Copyright © 1986 by Nora Roberts
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    All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
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