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A Song for Julia

A Song for Julia

Titel: A Song for Julia
Autoren: Charles Sheehan-Miles
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breasts feeling sensitive, a stirring in my belly. A random thought ran through my head, quickly banished, wondering what he’d be like in bed. Nothing like Willard, I was sure.
    Finally he said, “Because nice guys lose.”

    Not promising anything (Crank)

    “Because nice guys lose.”
    I almost regretted the words after I said them, because her sexy eyes suddenly went wide. Very wide. She sat up in her seat and rolled her shoulders, as if she were loosening up for a boxing match, and then a practiced smile appeared on her face. It was the same smile she’d given me seconds after we met, the one that never reached her sad eyes. That’s when I realized it wasn’t me at all. Someone else was approaching the table.
    It was an older lady, mannish looking, with a square jaw, broad shoulders and short, bleached hair. If she’d had on a leather jacket, she wouldn’t have looked out of place at some of the clubs I played. She gave an insincere smile then said, “Julia Thompson … I thought that was you.”
    Julia laid both hands flat on the table, and her expression froze. It was as if all the life had just drained out of her, leaving her a plastic mannequin. I didn’t know who this lady was, but it was very clear that Julia did, and she wasn’t happy about it. She said, “Hello.”
    The woman scanned me with her eyes in a way that reminded me of a machine, then she spoke, her voice dripping with intrigue, “You should introduce me to your boyfriend, Julia.”
    Julia’s face set in visible distaste. “Not my boyfriend, actually. An acquaintance. Maria Clawson, meet Crank Wilson. You should excuse us now, we’re eating, and you’re interrupting.”
    Maria blinked. I don’t know if she was offended by Julia’s obvious bad manners, but I was. I’d judged her to be better than that … she was rude, to both of us.
    I leaned forward. “Nice to meet ya, Maria. And don’t listen to Julia … she’s still shy about us.” I reached out and put my hand over one of Julia’s. She snatched hers back.
    Maria beamed. “I see! How long have you two known each other?”
    “Ms. Clawson,” Julia started to interject. I spoke louder and leered a little. “About four hours. But they’ve been very intense, if you know what I mean.”
    “You asshole!” Julia blurted, catching the attention of everyone on the sidewalk.
    I gave her a lewd wink.
    “Oh dear,” Maria said. “I suppose I should leave you two alone.”
    “As if,” Julia said, her tone laced with sarcasm. “Why don’t you go spread your poison somewhere else?”
    Maria gave a prim smile and walked away looking satisfied.
    “What was all that about?” I asked.
    Her eyes swiveled to me, flashing with genuine anger. “Why did you do that?”
    “Do what? I was just having a little fun.”
    “Maria Clawson is a gossip columnist, Crank.”
    A gossip columnist? “Are you serious? I didn’t even know there still were gossip columnists. Who cares, I’m not that famous anyway.”
    She narrowed her eyes at me. “It’s not you I’m concerned about, you conceited jerk, it’s me.”
    “Ashamed to be seen with me?” I asked, half angry.
    “She spent years smearing my family every chance she could get.”
    “Well, screw her,” I responded. And then I did something I probably shouldn’t have. I stood up, noting that Maria had returned to the last booth on the sidewalk, where she was chatting with some blue-haired old biddy. “Hey you! Maria!” I shouted, catching everyone’s attention, including the homeless guy sitting across the street. “Yeah…go piss off, ya gossipy bitch!”
    Julia hid her face. “Oh, God,” she mumbled behind her hands. “Are you nuts?”
    “Yeah, darlin’,” I answered, “I am. Come on, let’s blow this place.” I took out my wallet and dropped two twenties on the table just as the manager approached.
    I turned to the manager. “Yeah, yeah, we’re leaving. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”
    Julia groaned. “I don’t know him,” she muttered.
    I chuckled and said, “What do you say we walk down toward the White House?”
    “Will you get us kicked out of there, too?”
    “Not promising anything.” I flashed her a grin, gave a jaunty wave to Maria Clawson, who looked as if she’d just swallowed a great big mouthful of spoiled meat, and led Julia out onto the sidewalk.


    Sucks for you (Julia)
    It was official. Crank was crazy. Compelling, interesting, and damned good looking. But
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