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A Brief Guide to Star Trek

A Brief Guide to Star Trek

Titel: A Brief Guide to Star Trek
Autoren: Brian J Robb
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Constable & Robinson Ltd
    55–56 Russell Square
    London WC1B 4HP

    First published in the UK by Robinson,
an imprint of Constable & Robinson, 2012

    Copyright © Brian J. Robb 2012

    The right of Brian J. Robb to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

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    ISBN 978-1-84901-514-1
    eISBN 978-1-84901-822-7

    1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

    First published in the United States in 2012 by Running Press Book Publishers, a Member of the Perseus Books Group

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    US ISBN 978-0-7624-4439-7
    US Library of Congress Control Number: 2011933252
    E-book ISBN 978-1-84901-822-7

    9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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For Paul Simpson,
whose valuable feedback and
Star Trek
brainstorming sessions
helped immensely to focus and shape my thinking.


: The Storytellers

    Chapter 1
Star Trek
Gene Roddenberry

    Chapter 2
First Flight: The Two
Star Trek

    Chapter 3
Where No One Has Gone Before:
Star Trek
’s First Year

    Chapter 4
Too Short a Season: Consolidating
Star Trek

    Chapter 5
Timeless: The Birth of a Franchise and Fandom

    Chapter 6
Persistence of Vision: The Original
Cast Movies

    Chapter 7
Far Beyond the Stars:
The Next Generation

    Chapter 8
Future’s End:
The Next Generation

    Chapter 9
New Ground:
Deep Space Nine

    Chapter 10
Business as Usual:

    Chapter 11
Yesterday’s Enterprise:

    Chapter 12
Hollow Pursuits: Unmade
Star Trek

    Chapter 13
Future Imperfect:
Star Trek

    Chapter 14
Legacy: Can
Star Trek
Live Long and Prosper?




The Storytellers

The job of
Star Trek
was to use drama and adventure as a way of portraying humanity in its various guises and beliefs
. Star Trek
is the expression of my own beliefs using my characters to act out human problems
.’ Gene Roddenberry

    Whether you are relatively new to
Star Trek
, having enjoyed the J. J. Abrams blockbuster movie from 2009 or the sequel, or a fan of the show who’s been following the various series and movies since the US debut of the original in 1966, it is clear that this iconic television show that struggled through its first three years on air has – to adapt the worlds of the Vulcan Spock – ‘lived long and prospered’.
    The phenomenon of
Star Trek
has been much studied, from features in the popular media and in-depth academic analysis to fan commentary and internet flame wars. The forty-five-year history of the ‘franchise’ has been dissected every which way in an attempt to discover the reasons for its success, longevity and cultural impact – why has
Star Trek
been so long-lasting when other science fiction TV series have fallen by the wayside, and why have its various iterations on screens large and small been so popular?
    This is not an academic tome, but a critical cultural history of
Star Trek
. It’s an in-depth look at how the various series and movies were made, the creative forces driving them, what their cultural impact was and what it all means. The book will examine how
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